MS Bing Search Engine Overtakes Yahoo!

Perhaps Yahoo! really needs Microsoft more than Microsoft needs Yahoo!. That seems to be the case after the latest statistics announced by StatCounter Global Stats. Microsoft’s revamped search engine called Bing overtook Yahoo! as the number two search engine in the United States and worldwide on Thursday, June 4th.

To Microsoft’s credit the company was able to do this by grabbing marketshare from Google. Google had a commanding lead in the U.S. search engine market on Thursday with 71.47%. Yahoo! moved into third place with 10.22% while Microsoft’s Bing was able to grab 16.28%.

Though Microsoft’s Bing moved into the number two spot globally as well on Thursday it did so by a very narrow margin. Bing had 5.62% of the market compared to Yahoo! which had 5.13%. worldwide. Google dominated with a global market share of 87.62%.

Read more from the StatCounter press release.