Google Now Translate Farsi, Facebook Go Persian

Google unveils a Farsi translation tool at the same time as Facebook launches a Persian version of the site. Search Engine Google has stepped up work to release a tool that will translate Farsi into English and many other languages.

The company declared it was speeding up the project because of the huge interest in what was currently going on in Iran.

At the same time, the world's biggest social networking site, Facebook, is launching a Persian version.

Both companies say they hope their efforts will improve access to information and communication.

"There is a huge amount of interest in events in Iran and people want to know what is going on inside and outside the country," Google's principal scientist, Franz Och said

"Providing access to information across language boundaries should be very helpful. It's one more tool that Persian speakers can use to communicate directly to the world and vice-versa."

Facebook announced that it had also accelerated work on its Farsi translation.

In a blog posting, the company noted that people around the world had been using Facebook to exchange information about the aftermath of the Iranian election, but that most of that had not been in English.

"Much of the content created and shared on Facebook related to these events has been in Persian - the native language of Iran - but the users have had to navigate the site in English or other languages," it said.

As a result, Facebook has now made the entire site available in a test version of Persian, "so Persian speakers inside of Iran and around the world can begin using it in their native language". Source.