Avoid Apps Crashing in iPhone By Increasing Free Space

I think you would have noticed that sometimes when you are listening to music in your iPhone's iPod and at the same time trying to run some Apps or Games and your application or game got stopped working(in nerd's slang "crashed"). This has happened to me many times and i used to end up with restarting my iPhone, because as an iPhone user we are not given any guides or tools to know the reason why the Apps don't work always and generally we blame the App developers.

Here is the reason why these Apps crash up and how you can avoid 'em.

Whenever you run an App on your iPhone and close it, it is not really closed and it keep running in the background, and use your iPhone's memory resources. The iPhone comes with a 128Mb of total Runtime memory and don,t connect this with the storage memory which the handsets come in, normally amounting to 8Gb , 16Gb or 32Gb. Now all the applications and the Operating System has to process in the total 128Mb available which means that you can't run multiple applications at the same time because of limited memory resources.
Few built-in applications like the the iPod player, Phone application, Mail application and the Safari web browser etc. continiously run in the background even when closed and this is the main reason the iPhone users suffer from crashing applications. Now the only solution for this till date was restarting the handset in order to close all the processes running in the background, but i have got a better solution which is available in the form of a App.

Free Memory iPhone App – The Operating System does not allow Free Memory to kill any app directly. When Free Memory(app) frees up memory, the OS releases the memory Free Memory(app) requests. If it can't release the memory, apps are closed to free up the memory. In some instances, Mail or iPod remain running because they do not consume loads of memory. The App costs you 0.99$ and is not a free app, but i am very much happy after buying this application since i don't have to restart my iPhone again and again and waste another 5 minutes. Whenever i feel my iPhone is running slow. I just simply tap on the Free Memory App and click on Free Memory and done, and my iPhone run quicker without any crashes.
Some other advantages of using this App are that once you free up some of your iPhones memory the background running process are cleaned up and this inturn would save up your iPhones battery which means you can improve iPhone battery life and you can also check out the battery level in the same App.

HappY SurfinG!!! (: