5MinutesFame.com - Your Ticket To Twitter Stardom

It is interesting how time is handled and treated in the digital world. What previously took a certain amount of time now takes just a fraction. Remember Andy Warhol’s immortal phrase proclaiming that every person is fated to fifteen minutes of fame during his lifetime? How does that translate into Twitter? This site gives us an exact indication.

You see, the 5 Minutes Fame portal will empower anybody to gain maximum visibility on the Twitterverse by having his name displayed on the site for – you guessed it – 5 minutes. In order to be featured, the user must first beat the others in a typing contest. He who can type his screen name faster than the rest will be awarded the distinction in question and have his username featured on the site.

All in all, those who want to become kings of the Twitter hill are certain to enjoy the exposure. After all, Twitter is becoming so widespread that maybe before too long the number of followers one has will just become a common topic at parties. And if that happens, you’d better have your back covered, don’t you think?

In their own words

Do you want more visibility on twitter? This free service will help you to promote your twitter account! If you think you type fast, enter your twitter username and try to be the fastest. If you succeed, you will be featured on this website for 5 min, helping you get more followers.

Wanna Try it? Oks!!! Click Here!

HappY SurfinG!!! (: