Ubisense precise Real-time Location System (RTLS) is a winner for Aston Martin and BMW

Investment in the Ubisense precise real-time location system enables high-end automotive manufacturers to reduce costs by improving productivity in their assembly plants, reinforcing Ubisense’s position as the market leader.

Cambridge, UK, April 16 2009 - Ubisense, the leading global supplier of precise real-time location systems, announces further wins for its award winning product line. Two of the world’s top automotive brands are part of a growing community of leading blue-chip companies employing Ubisense to accurately track and monitor manufacturing processes providing previously unattainable visibility and automation. In challenging economic times, manufacturers are looking at ways of significantly reducing their costs while maintaining their competitive advantage, Ubisense facilitates new efficient manufacturing methodologies with its precise real-time location system (“RTLS”).
Ubisense has now delivered to more than 375 customers in over 25 countries since the launch of its precise RTLS and has an extensive network of global partners and applications that support customers including Aston Martin, BMW, BP, Caterpillar, Continental, Cummins, DHL, IBM, Lockheed Martin and the US Army. Ubisense specializes in automating processes by identifying in real-time exactly where products, tools, assets and people are in complex processes, automating those processes, improving safety and helping customers drive out costs.
Michael Gilvar, CEO of Dallas based Fish Software and one of Ubisense’s leading partners, says, “We searched the market for a complete precision location platform upon which to build our real-time measurement system for the exhibition industry and found nothing that could compare to the breadth and depth of functionality, or market traction, of Ubisense.” Fish recently announced that they had secured a world first in agreeing to deploy their real-time measurement system (based on Ubisense) at the UK’s leading exhibition centre ExCel.

Richard Green, CEO of Ubisense, comments “This is incredibly rewarding for everyone who has contributed to the success of Ubisense. I wish to thank our customers and partners for their confidence in us and our employees and shareholders for their dedication and support.”