San Francisco Bay Area: Invitation to Google At Work Roundtable Discussion

We often speak with customers who ask, "What can Google Apps do for my business?" We have a list of answers – communications tools including Gmail and Google Calendar, collaboration apps like Google Sites and Docs, and security tools by Postini – and we like to get those answers out wherever we can.

That's why we're inviting people in California's San Francisco Bay Area and Mountain View (to start) to a business roundtable reviewing Google Apps and sharing how businesses (including Google) use them to drive innovation and streamline IT. In the tradition of Google's internal "Tech Talks," this will be open forum for discussing insights and lessons learned from using Google Apps and getting the full benefits of this multi-purpose business "tool kit."

By the end of this event, you will have answers to these questions:
  • What is Google Apps?
  • How can Google Apps cut costs and create efficiencies – in other words, save money, time and headaches?
  • How can Google Apps help businesses drive innovation?
  • How are other businesses using Google Apps?
  • Does Google Apps meet my business's technical expectations?
We're offering these roundtables twice, with limitied participation – so if you're in the area and want to attend, please register here with this form created in Google Docs.

San Francisco
  • Tuesday, April 7
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Google SF Campus (we will contact confirmed participants with details and exact location)
Mountain View
  • Wednesday, April 8
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Google Mountain View Campus (we will contact confirmed participants with details and exact location)
We look forward to meeting with you and providing you with the information you need to move your business forward with the help of Google Apps.

Get timely updates on new features in Google Apps by subscribing to our RSS feed or email alerts.

Jenya Denissova and Jeff Austin, Google Apps and Postini Team