We have since switched out the egg whites for plaster of paris (found at Home Depot). Plaster is the best way to go, but you have to get the PERFECT consistency in order for it to work correctly. You also have to use gobs of Vaseline. After my last attempt I spent two hours crying in the shower trying to pry each little plaster chunk out of the few eyelashes I had left. Chris's latest outing (pictured above) was much the same, minus the crying. Miraculously, Chris managed to sacrifice his hair follicles to keep the mask intact. Chris assures me that it was not easy and hurt like crazy.
After making the masks and allowing them to dry, we slathered them in Vaseline and made positives (or Death Masks). I love the tangible reminder of our courtship, and it never fails to get conversation going with our living room guests.
Learn to make your own Fickle Face Masks with this tutorial.
For more tutorials and crafty home and baby ideas, please visit my blog, IS•LY at melissaesplin.com.