Simon Evans

Simon Evans

I am fascinated by the interesting concepts of London-born, Berlin based artist Simon Evans' current exhibition now showing in NYC at the James Cohan Gallery. Have you ever thought of photographing and writing about all you have? What is your most prized possession(s)?

"The title of the show Island Time is a reference to Robinson Crusoe and the hand-made objects that were critical to his survival on a desert island—a metaphor that draws connections between the state of being shipwrecked, to the role of the artist as an outsider, to the artist's personal biography living as an expatriate in a foreign city. Evident in the work is Evan's preoccupation with counting and charting—an activity also key to survival as a castaway."

I also really like the piece below called, "One Hundred Mix CDs for New York." It makes me think twice about actually burning cd mixes again and making pretty covers for them. See more of his work here.

Simon Evans
Simon Evans

(via hammerheadsharkattack)