Offline access available in 29 additional languages

Last week, the Gmail team launched Offline Gmail, an experimental feature that gives you access to email when you don't have a stable Internet connection or an Internet connection at all.

Back in March 2008, we launched offline access for Google Docs in English only. Since then, early adopters of this feature have been providing us with valuable feedback. We've been gathering this feedback and working to improve the offline experience (for example, the offline feature now works with Firefox 3), and now we're ready to bring offline access to more users.

You can now get this feature in an additional 29 languages. To get started, you'll first need to enable offline access for Google Docs. 

Here's a reminder about what you can and can't do offline:

You can...
  • view & edit text documents offline
  • view spreadsheets, forms, and presentations offline
For now, you can't...
  • edit spreadsheets, forms, and presentations offline
  • create new text documents, spreadsheets, forms or presentations offline
  • view uploaded PDFs offline
To help ensure that your experience using Google Docs offline is successful, take a look at this user group post which provides some helpful tips on using offline.  

Update: On February 4, 2009, we launched offline access in 9 additional languages.