
Here are some things I am perusing this week and last week. Yikes, I am a little behind with my sharing.

1.Domino: The Book of Decorating - Sad to see the magazine disappear, but this book shares a lovely collection of some of their favorite rooms, a way to savor those decorating looks and tips.

2.Tartine: This is a selection of recipes from beautiful bakery in San Francisco that I have yet to visit. The book is a work of art in itself, and I am in the mood to make something delicious after flipping through these pages, banana cream pie... with caramel and chocolate anyone?

3.Three Cups of Tea : We are reading this in my book club this month. I have yet to crack the pages but I am intrigued by the back cover quote, " The astonishing, uplifting story of a real-life Indiana Jones and his remarkable humanitarian campaign in the Taliban's backyard." Anyone read this?

4. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle : Although I am only on disc 3 I am fascinated by this book (which I am listening to on cd). It discusses the lack of agricultural education we have in the U.S. and how we don't really have a food culture. Well-known author, Barbara Kingsolver moves with her family to deliberately eat food in the most local way possible. To learn more check out their website.

What are you perusing lately?