Siebel CRM 8.1.1 Drives Cost Savings, Boosts Customer Loyalty

Customer Relationship Management Edition
January 2009

Information InDepth

Siebel CRM 8.1.1 Drives Cost Savings, Boosts Customer Loyalty
Siebel CRM 8.1.1 includes an end-to-end customer loyalty solution and expanded, industry-specific customer self-service—even as it drives down costs with increased support for open standards. More…
Free Downloads: CRM Gadgets for Sales Make Social CRM Even Better
Now available as free downloads, Oracle CRM Gadgets for Sales boost sales force productivity by integrating enterprise CRM content with late-breaking business data from both phone contacts and the Web. More…
Oracle Mobile Sales Assistant and Oracle Mobile Sales Forecast Now Available for iPhone
With the release of Oracle Mobile Sales Assistant and Oracle Mobile Sales Forecast for iPhone, sales professionals on the go can access productivity-boosting tools and real-time sales insight via the enormously popular iPhone. More…
Live Webcast: Selling Through a Slump
The Customer Collective, an online forum sponsored in part by Oracle, hosted a highly informative Live Webcast that featured a wide range of perspectives on how to optimize selling opportunities in the current economic climate. More…
CRM Trends for 2009
In December 2008, William Band of Forrester published an article titled “Trends 2009: Customer Relationship Management.” The article highlights six key trends that Forrester believes will drive CRM strategies and technology adoption in light of the sudden and dramatic economic downturn. More…
Best Practices for Siebel
Come here to start creating service-oriented architecture (SOA) with your Siebel applications today. "Best Practices" are offered for how to service-enable Siebel CRM business services, workflows, and business components and then build integrations, business processes, and composite applications using Oracle Fusion Middleware technology such as BPEL, ESB, BAM, ADF, and WebCenter. More…
Oracle's Siebel CRM On Demand & Elite 8 Partner Demo Luncheon
February 4
Dallas, Texas
Oracle Management Excellence Forum: Finding Opportunity in Economic Crisis
February 2
Redwood Shores, California
Oracle's Siebel CRM On Demand & Elite 8 Partner Demo Luncheon
February 4
Dallas, Texas
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Why Customers Should Upgrade to the Latest Release of Oracle's Siebel CRM


White Papers

Customer Portfolio Management: Taking CRM to the Next Level (PDF)

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