Making the economic case for build-test-deploy automation and acceleration

SDTimes | Webinar
In the current economic climate, many software development executives are being asked to reduce costs across the board. Headcounts are frozen (if not slashed), and budgets are tight. The savvy development (or SCM or Release) Manager should know that a potentially untapped opportunity for cost savings and productivity improvement lies in the back end of software development. The build-and-test process is ripe for improvement. This webinar will explore some real-world examples of significant cost savings by automating and accelerating this process. Opportunities to boost productivity and save money include:

  • Stop wasting time maintaining build scripts and test harnesses.
  • Minimize the idle time developers spend waiting for build or test procedures to execute (or for broken builds to be fixed!).
  • Stop wasting hours debugging broken builds.
  • "Fail faster," find and correct defects earlier.
  • Squeeze more value from hardware resources.
  • Reduce redundant work by providing a build-and-test infrastructure as a centralized service.

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February 17, 2009
2:00 pm • Eastern
11:00 am • Pacific
David Worthington
Senior Editor, SD Times
Martin Van Ryswyk
Vice President of Engineering
Electric Cloud

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