Last Week

Well, this is my last week at the Mazda studio. This has been problably the funnest group of people I have ever worked with. I have again grown a lot as a designer and with a greater understanding of the world of transportation, I have a better idea of my place in it and where I want to head. I really appreciate Mazda Design America for being a studio where even the intern can have a strong opinion. I'll never forget all the hard work, lunches in the courtyard, games of kickball, and holiday getogethers. I'm truly greatful for my time here.

During my time here, I've watched one company's reaction to the biggest economic crisis is anyones lifetime. For sure the future is uncertain, but I have much optimism for what lies ahead of the mess. It's finally time to clense the automotive market and hopefully finally head it in a direction that is better for everyone. Its time for all industries to rid themselves of their dinosaurs and shed light on the ones ready to adapt to a new and intresting future. My hope is that people with great ideas will no longer have to struggle through long journeys through poorly managed politics. The next few years will probably be tough, but I think all the answers are there.