iPhone BLuetooth good progresses

Hi folks, finally the iBluetiitProject 's team make some progresses on the iPhone Bluetooth !

Some comments directly from the forum .

The teaser app called “bluesn0w” does a 10 second scan for near-by bluetooth devices and displays each of their MAC addresses. Their goal is to bring to the iPhone the bluetooth services a smart mobile phone should have.
Final app deets:
1. Ultimately this application will probably be Free and Open Source,
2. It obviously will look a lot more flashy, with a clean and easy to use GUI,

3. (We think) the app will be able to complete your wildest dreams. (Nothing in the ‘requests’ section I don’t see cannot be done for the most part!)
4. Did I hear something about Bluetooth Super Hack? You can bet your bottom dollar we’re working on it!
5. The MAC address can be spoofed, and we will possible add this ability to the final release.

Amazing guys, hope to see some more news soon .