Happy New Year! and 500th Post!

Happy New Year Friends! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. This is my official 500th post...I am super excited. I started this blog on a whim, but I am so thankful I did. It has really been a source of joy and inspiration for me, and I hope for you too. I am so thankful for all of the friends I have made through it, and I hope to further explore and expand this year!

Now, on to my New Year's Resolutions:
{I feel like I have to post them here so I will be accountable for them.}

This is going to be a big year for me.
1. I will finish taking the ARE exams and get licenced. Due to being super busy at work and well sometimes lazy I have only taken {and passed!} one exam so far. But this year, it is top priority and I am getting it done!
2. I will continue my upward path at work. {I've been doing quite well lately!}
3. I will get my finances in order. Not that they are awful, I just need to payoff some credit cards. So by the end of the year I will be debt free! {well, except for my big student loan- that one is never going away}
4. In order to do this, I will create {almost done} and follow a budget.
5. As indicated in the fabulous graphic above: I have everything I need. So I am giving myself a challenge. NO shopping until May. None. We will see how this goes, but I am kind of excited about it. I definitely spend money as a means of therapy, and I need to break that habit.
6. In May, when I get my yearly bonus, I will buy us a new sofa and coffee table as my reward for hard work.
7. Despite all the hard work I will be doing, I will take time to work on my personal fitness. Santa brought me a Wii and Fit Board, so hopefully this will help.
8. I will continue to grow the blog...I think it is time for some ad space! Any advice on this??

Photo via Glassford Hill Girl