Got Mobile Endpoints to Worry About Securing?

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The "Universal Achilles Heel of Risk" - Endpoints

Endpoints bring three significant new risks. First, attacks increasingly bypass traditional perimeter-focused security and enter endpoints and the enterprise network through a variety of methods, such as interaction with malicious Web sites. Second, a large number of endpoints are mobile so they may be used both inside and outside the traditional perimeter of security controls. Finally, endpoints present a huge logistical challenge to IT staff who often must manage deployment of policies and controls for multiple security agents on each physical device.

So how do you respond to these challenges and make sure your organization is setup to unify endpoint security? This white paper will help you better under the risks you face and details a new strategy that organizations are turning to – using a broad set of technologies for endpoint security unified into a single agent with central control.

Read this white paper today to avoid stolen data, disruptions of business operations, and potential penalties for noncompliance.

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