Since I promised not to write too much for my next post, here are some more pictures I've taken in and around the city.
This man is a reenactor at Fort McHenry. The defense of Fort McHenry inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner.
Loch Raven is North of the city in Baltimore County. It is beautiful in the fall.
Rawlings Conservatory is in a sketchy area of town, but it's a beautiful place to visit. During daylight.
I like this picture, and I'm not sure why. It just seems comfortable. It was taken at a friend's house.
Here is the Queen looking radiant while stepping into the light.
Gotta love the creativity of whoever thought up this sign. Must have been a marketing major. :-)
Based upon my last post you'd thind we'd be bunkering down and not spending any money. We've been planning on this trip for a long time, so there is no escaping it, and frankly we need it. It will be nice to rid ourselves of renovation dust, galavant at the Biltmore and gallop across the desert.