Happy Birthday to Me

With my birthday coming up next week momz called to let me know a package was waiting for me at the Fed Ex distribution center. She said it required a signature. That's when you know something is good - when it requires a signature. Just like earlier this week when I got a notice that I had certified mail, and I went to the post office to sign it and get handed a $110 fine for the city for junk in my backyard. Well, I guess not all things that require a signature are good.

I went to Fed Ex and there waiting for me was a fancy new speaker system. The Sony HT CT-1000. I have been ogling speaker systems for the past week in search of teh uber system.

Living in a rowhouse with an exposed brick wall 6" behind the couch means surround sound speakers don't work too well. Also, I didn't feel like running wires for a bunch of speakers so a single speaker and sub is really nice. I'd looked at soundbars before so was pretty damn pleased to have the 'rents and g-ma get me one for my b-day. I have it hooked up now and it sounds good, but I need to run the wired through the wall all nice and fancy. I'm a sucker for seamless designs, so I don't want to see any cables. Funny how cables bother me, but the house is still a hovel. Go figure!