Information avalanche - keep it coming

It's 8:00 am Wednesday morning in Mountain View, California, and I'm already swamped. And if you're currently engaged in any business activity within the reach of this post, it's likely that your plate of assignments, projects, to-do lists, and the number and variety of data you'll need to complete them ahead of time and under budget, is also overflowing.

According to most estimates, the amount of information employees will have to navigate with -- file shares, databases, document systems -- isn't going to shrink any time soon.* That's why today, in addition to going through our inboxes we're announcing a new Google Search Appliance that can index 10 million documents in a single box.

We're hoping this will be a great help to IT departments burdened with typical enterprise search implementations -- many of which require dozens of servers and multiple administrators to search content at this scale. Now organizations will be able to offer their staff secure search across the largest enterprise content sources —Documentum, Filenet, LiveLink, and Sharepoint—all from one easy-to-maintain appliance.

While we can't promise that the avalanche of information will decrease, administrative features with the new appliance, such as the ability to adjust search results for user groups based on department or function, results-biasing based on metadata, (in addition to source, URL, or date), enhanced search analytics, localized interfaces, and the rapid stream of innovation from Enterprise Labs should help employees spend less time searching for information, and more time using what they find to be as productive as possible -- no matter how much is on their to-do list.

*Likely in response to this information explosion, total software revenue for the enterprise search market is forecast to grow to $1.5 billion worldwide by 2012 ("Market Trends: Enterprise Application Software, Worldwide, 2007-2012," Gartner Inc., 2008.)