Check out this HOUSE!

So one of my favorite hollywood couples, the perfectly adorable Jennifer Garner and cutie patootie Ben Affleck, are probably purchasing the most perfect family home west of the Mississippi! Located in swank Holmby Hills in LA, this beautifull restored home from Hollywood's golden area makes me drool with envy!! I spotted it here on the Real EstalkerThis foyer is so beautiful! I love the marble floor, that glamourous hollywoody staircase for grand entrances and the furniture; Those mouldings are really nicely done and I love the lantern!This cavernous master bedroom is really cozy -i love the french doors out to the deck! What a cheerful room to wake up in :-)This is the 'his' of the 2 bathrooms in the master suite. I LOVE this dark wood and the sink -not so crazy about that marble in the shower but I'd live with it. I'm just glad it doesn't have a black toilet to match the marble. I think black toilets are the most disgusting cess pools of disease I've ever seen -ugly too -never look clean!
This is the 'her' bathroom in the master sweet with dressing room beyond. This is really a beautiful room - i love the fireplace next to the bathtub with garden views! My grandparents who have been married for 67 years attest their long and happy marriage to having seperate bathrooms -I could not agree more! If you can afford it, it's one of the things I would look for in a home!

The back of this home is really pretty nice, I LOVE the poolhouse -but notice anything missing? umm - landscaping? Is this a soccerfield? First things first - hire a landscaper! So much potential!! I see some trees, bushes, a rose garden, big lilac bushes, an herb garden -there is room for it all! Make it lush! Hope you enjoyed the home tour! Hopefully it will be in some trashy celeb magazine in a few years for us all to check out!