ENTERTAINMENT: You Look Nice Today - Come for the misogyny, stay for the homophobia

If you're a child of the 80's (and let's face it, who isn't) you'll love the random and ribald humor of You Look Nice Today: A Journal of Emotional Hygiene. One word of warning: Every time I think the hosts/vaudvillians/audio raconteurs are about to have a clean episode someone begins a profanity laced rant. Not the kind of the-swearing-was-appropriate-for-the-scene moment you might find in a war movie or a cop buddy flick where the hardness of life pushes a man to extreme utterances. No, it's as if our garrulous guides have to peg the meter in a forced, almost juvenile fashion. Don't get me wrong, this is still high-brow entertainment. I'm just sorry to have to recommend it.

- Hutch