Google innovation across America: Find. Share. Secure.

Posted by Dave Girouard, VP and General Manager, Google Enterprise

Google is renowned for its innovative approach to business, ours and that of our users. We are our own best case study of a large enterprise operating in the cloud. And every day, more and more companies join us. In fact, to date there are more than 10 million active users on Google Apps, our suite of collaboration tools for business that includes Gmail, Calendar, Docs, and much more.

But simply adopting Google technology is only the first step. A common question we get is, "Now that we are using Google products, how can we take full advantage of them?" Many of you want to know how you can help your employees find, share, and secure information in a way that is both fast and scalable. Oh, and without incurring enormous costs.

So we've decided to visit you in the places where you live. In June alone, we'll be in seven different cities (see details here), with more to be added throughout the rest of the year, for a full day of presentations, demos, and conversation.

In each location, a Google executive will offer a keynote address on how you can scale innovation in your company and how Google technology can help you become more creative, productive, and efficient. Then, in breakout sessions, we will help you take a closer look at Google enterprise search, Google Apps, and Google security and compliance . Finally, you'll be able to get your hands on a range of Google products and services and try them out with a Google expert standing by to answer your questions.

The events are free and open to current Google customers and to prospective customers with at least 500 employees that would like to learn more about how Google innovation can change their businesses. Please go to our registration page to sign up and see the full itinerary. Hope to see you on the road!