Brand Update : Motoyuva

Finally Motoyuva has gone soft on the parents. The brand has launched its new range W270 flip phone.
Watch the tvc here : Motoyuva w270
The ad shows the father trying to imitate the dude son after seeing the son talking to his girlfriend using the stylish W270. The basic idea is to highlight the stylish attribute of the phone and the message is consistent with the youthful positioning of the brand.

What I liked about the ads of Motoyuva is the choice of the actors. In this ad, the "father" is perfect and because of it, the ad is never boring.
The reason why the brand has gone little soft on parents may be because of fear of resentment . The previous ad for W230 was too harsh on the parents.

More importantly , the brand has got the price and the product perfect for the target segment. Firstly Motoyuva is a no-nonsense music phone. The brand has clearly identified that music is a decisive attribute as far as the 18-25 is concerned. Secondly the brand has got the price also right for the consumer.For an entry level consumer, the price of Motoyuva is compelling enough to elicit a favorable decision.These funny campaigns add the critical thrust to make the final decision.There was a gap in the entry level music phones which this brand has rightly tapped.