Aliza's chronicles, part 2: surviving the computer shuffle

Aliza Sherman, author, speaker, TV and radio producer

In my previous post, I talked about finally turning to Google Docs to save my bacon while working on a major client job with multiple players, several simultaneous projects and too many versions of spreadsheets and documents flying around in email. After working with Google Docs for the remainder of the project, I didn't use it again for a while, at least not with my clients.

Then I hit another document crisis moment. I was trying to figure out the most efficient way to transfer files from my old PowerBook to my new MacBook and began misplacing old files and current versions of files. That's when it hit me: Why not just upload the current versions to Docs? So I did. And it was a good thing.

By using Google Docs as the bridge between my old and new computer, I was able to not only access critical documents from my new MacBook but also from any computer I happened to be on, anywhere. Ahhhh, I was seeing the light.

I didn't upload every document making the transfer but instead used the following criteria for uploading:

1. An open project with a client or collaborator
2. Any document that I would need to share with anyone
3. Documents related to an ongoing project

As I migrated old files to the new computer, I hit another snag. My new Intel Mac did not accept most of my old software, and it appeared as if I would have to purchase upgrades or new versions of all my most important software programs. To avoid this, I discovered NeoOffice, a shareware office suite software. Although I can convert any .ODT file (word processing) or . ODS (spreadsheet) file into a .doc and .xls, I don't really have to with Google Docs because it accepts the NeoOffice formats. What a relief!

I don't know about you, but feeling a sense of relief while using a Web app is a sure sign that you're on the right track.

My next blog post will explore using Google Docs for longer term collaboration.