The Menu + The CURE!!! Yes, I'm still doing it...sort of...

Alright, I really haven't participated in the Cure much this go just isn't a top priority at this time. But I'm ok with that...many other exciting things are going on right now. But is what I did get done today:

New beautiful flower's from the Farmer's Market...I'm not sure what they are called, but I like them...

The Menu continues...the salmon was so good last week, we decided to have it again, with asparagus and dill cucumbers...

and what I'm most proud new Dwell for Target duvet cover is washed and on the bed! Now I just need new curtains... {My copy of the new Apartment Therapy book arrived on's on the nightstand waiting for me to have time to read it...}

Also accomplished today:

10, yes ten, loads of laundry

3 loads of dishes {our kitchen was gross...}

took out the trash

vacuumed {including the mattress, which I also flipped}

planned this weeks menu, and went grocery shopping

did half of an alteration on a skirt {I should have finished my kitchen curtain weekend}

and studied... whew...I'm tired!