Google Apps goes on tour

In our work on the Google Apps team, we come across all sorts of small businesses from around the country that use Google Apps – from tech start-ups to architecture firms to car dealerships to bookstores. As different as these businesses are from one another, each has something important in common with the rest: they're all looking for communication and collaboration tools that will help them work efficiently, save resources, and grow.

And so, to celebrate National Small Business Week, we're going on the road to meet small businesses that leverage innovative technologies. Throughout the week, more than 20 Googlers will be visiting the top entrepreneurial cities in each region of the U.S.* (Washington, D.C. Charlotte, NC, Kansas City, MO, Phoenix, AZ) to talk to small businesses – both current Apps customers as well as the uninitiated – about communicating and collaborating with Google Apps. The events are open to the public (no RSVP is required) so we hope to see you there. For more information, visit

And even if you don't live near these cities, you can still meet some of the small businesses across the US that are becoming more efficient, successful businesses by using Google Apps – just click play.

*Source: National Policy Research Council, 2006