So... Do You Come Here Often?

I've been noticing more comments lately, even on old entries, so I've been wondering where people are coming from: google,, family, friends and coworkers that are (silently) lurking around here, and who else? So I went looking for links... When I Googled "Baltimore Rowhouse" my blog comes up on the first page. Pretty cool! If you are reading this, who are you, where did you come from, and what brought you here? I'm curious to see how people are stumbling onto the blog.

As an aside, I've read many blog posts about people being able to tell which search terms are bringing hits to their site. How would I go about doing this?

For the newcomers, if you are curious for progress on the house, check out the tags on the bottom right side of the page. They describe categories of work on the house, and should help point you to the category that you'll find most useful. There are also links to other houseblogs I read, as well as design inspiration sites, like Apartment


And since we're getting to know each other, I'm a libra. In case you were wondering.