Honda advertising

Here's the opinion from the Guardian UK regarding Honda's recent ads spree about it being the environment guardian.

Honda is the finest exponent of advertising in the car sector, arguably in any sector, and needs to be. Without advertising, a Honda is just a minicab. Seen in the light of a Honda advertisement a Honda becomes a minicab covered in subtlety, ingenuity and philosophy and so ceases to be a minicab.

Honda's ingenuity not only benefits Honda, it also R&Ds for the whole car industry.

Is it subtle, ingenious or philosophical? Maybe it isn't, but if your buyers are people who think that subtext is a discount SMS package, does it matter? Probably not. Me, I'll take a Honda and feel clever while the world burns. That, or use the 15K to top up my Oyster card.

Read the whole article here

My opinions,I don't know of anything significant from Honda India in these 10 years that's saved the planet that their ads are claiming.NDTV certainly is more than subtle as far its Honda publicity blitz is concerned in its Car and Bike program infact so much so its becoming more of a 30 minute honda advertisement[especially the previous episode] but what the heck ,their cars sell and thats the bottomline.

The Oyster card is a form of electronic ticketing used on Transport for London and some National Rail services within the Greater London area of the United Kingdom.