Holiday dressing debrief

Posted by: Jen Mazzon, Google Docs Product Manager

The Valentine's Day-lovefest dressing on Google Docs gave me an extra spring in my step all day yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the user group comments, blog posts and emails about people's reactions to our "pinked up" Docs Home.

Two repeated questions I saw were: "How can I keep my pinkified Docs Home?" and "How can I get rid of my pinkified Docs Home?"

Answer#1: You can get that Google Docs lovin' feeling all year round (or at least for a while) at

Answer#2: Well it's gone now. It went away on its own after a mere 24 hours of pinkification (sigh!)

But I have some questions for YOU. For example:
  • What was your first reaction on seeing the pink Docs Home?
    • Did you laugh aloud hysterically (that's what I did, actually) or cry out in alarm?
    • Did you feel a warm, loving feeling wash over you, or did it leave you cold?
  • Do you think we should celebrate more holidays via creative Docs Home dressing?
    • If so, how frequently and which holidays?
    • If not, would you be cool with a simple "bah humbug" option to switch off the celebration?
So I've put some of my burning questions into an informal user survey, which, of course, leverages our new forms feature. Please take 3 minutes to tell us about your reaction to our first ever holiday celebration in Google Docs.