Feeling girly?

Friday, I went to a quaint little shop in Alpine called Dear Lizzie. I ate with my bro. & sister-in-law in the little cafe/bistro area which was delish. It is one of those shops that makes you definitely feel like a girl, I've also seen little girls have tea parties here - so cute. If you are ever in the area, wanting to be inspired and feel feminine I highly recommend this shop. 

image via pbkids

Cool stuff that they sell:

the best custom stamps I've ever seen by three designing women- you can also find them at Room Service Home

Collage jewelry, trinkets, and memorabilia by
Sally Jean - they are made out of glass and metal, I love the one I have which says: "I think I'll be an artist or something."

Gianna Rose Soaps: delightfully smelling and looking