Marketing Funda : Indian Readership Survey (IRS)

Indian Readership Survey or IRS is one of the largest readership survey conducted in India. Conducted by Hansa Research for Media Research User's Council ( MRUC), IRS covers readership for newspapers, internet usage, television veiwership .
Established in 1995 IRS data is widely used by media planners for finalising the media strategy. Besides giving the readership habits, IRS also provides valuable insights into the consumption habits of the Indian consumer. According the Hansa Reaseach, the information coverage of IRS is as follows
Media data study includes the following :
Press Readership: 350 + Publications
TV: 150+ channels
Radio Listener ship: 15+ Radio Stations

Product data for the following is captured
70+ FMCG products usage and consumption habits
30+ Durable products ownership details
Financial Services
Urban & Rural Lifestyle Indicators
Telecom Data ( Source:

IRS uses sample from 24 states 91 cities covering a 250,000 respondents.The sampling details can be found here
IRS survey results are dissected by the media executives to prove their reach and cost advantages.
IRS is done twice a year and right now IRS round 1 2007 is out.
According to IRS Round 1 :
The top English Dailies are as follows (readership in 000's)
1.Times of India :6781
2.Hindustan Times:3331
3.Hindu : 2209
4.Deccan Chronicle:1311
6.The Economic Times: 774
7.Mumbai Mirror:735
10.Deccan Herald:498

The Top Indian Newspapers are (readership in 000's)

1.Dainik Jagron: 17114
2.Dainik Bhaskar:12514
4.Malayala Manorama:9052
5.Daily Thanthi:8351
6.Amar Ujala:8255
9.Rajastan Pathrika: 6946
10. Lokmat:6874

Top Indian magazines are : (readership in 000's)

1.Saras Salil Hindi Fortnightly 4760
2.Vanitha Malayalam Fortnightly 3067
3.India Today English Weekly 2786
4.Grihshobha Hindi Monthly 2486
5. Malayala Manorama Malayalam Weekly 2294
6.Kumudam Tamil Weekly 2130
7.Balarama Malayalam Weekly 2124
8.India Today Hindi Weekly 1943
9. Anandavikadan Tamil Weekly 1898
10.Reader's Digest English Monthly 1869 ( Source : agencyfaqs)

Although IRS is used by most of the media planners, there are always some controversy surrounding the results. Since this is a sample based results, one can always question the statistical inferences. Every time the survey results are out, there are bound to be objections and blaming. To counter IRS, another survey is also there in the readership domain i.e National Readership Survey ( NRS).Combining both the results help media planners to chose the right media across markets. But all these surveys give only approximations. There is no guarantee that a 100 cc ad at the front page of the best daily in India can deliver the desired results. Hence marketers invent a new term : Opportunity to See ( OTS).. By putting an ad in the front page you are giving the reader an opportunity to see the ad .. how wise.

What is the front page ad of today's newspaper? Do you remember?.........