Tactical ploy

In another latest development Awami League, the proclaimed secular political party canceled their MOU with the radical Islamic political party Khelafot Majlish, which AL earlier termed as a tactical ploy to counter its political opponents BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami in the recently postponed election.

People at Drishtipat group blog suspect that strong protests against the MOU in Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina's son Sajeeb Wajed Joy's blog may have been heard at last. In a dramatic twist Sajeeb also claims the feat in a following post:

"Finally, I hope the cancellation of our much maligned MOU demonstrates that the AL is willing to listen and respond to criticism and suggestions. As I said, welcome to the 21st century Awami League!"

Now, while Sajeeb's blog is becoming an interesting read, there might be some illusions too. Shamsir at Adda-fication dissects Sajeeb's claim:

The actual scrapping has exactly NOTHING to do with listening to and responding to criticism.

The deal was canceled because the election was canceled and AL has not made it clear whether they will again engage in this sort of MOUs with the radical religious parties to gain political advantage. Recently Bangladesh Khelafat Majlish leader and former lawmaker Mufti Shahidul Islam was arrested by security forces during their anti-corruption drive. And moreover Sajeeb is not yet an active member of Awami League. Does he have an influence in AL as he claims?

Shamsir asks Sajeeb:

Say it isn't so, Sajeeb bhai! I really want this new transparency thing to work for you, and for all of us.

I hope we will get the answer from Sajeeb soon.

Update: Columnist Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury analyzes the dreadful declaration and discrete cancellation of the MOU. And he leaves no stones unturned.