Another one of my favorite things...

This console you see here used to be one of my LEAST favorite things. It was an ugly beast with a detestable colored wood and a hideous marble top. I had kept it up to this point because it was a "gimme" and it was very useful where storage was concerned, but I had had my fill. It was history. I tried to sell it, unsuccessfully so. I couldn't give it away when I tried. It was that ugly. The only possible solution for me now was paint. I've been known to slap a coat of paint on just about anything that's not moving so I figured "Why not? It couldn't look any worse." I painted the undercoat a brick red and then did a black glaze for the top coat. I kilzed the marble top and then painted it brick red too. I'm quite happy with the end result. It's now a piece I can live with and even enjoy.

I thought I would share a an easy DIY tip with you. I don't do fake flowers...ever. It's either real or nothing at all for me, but sometimes that just isn't practical. A colorful solution for me was to layer colored sand in a large glass vase. I always get compliments and it was so easy to do. Not everybody's cup of tea but maybe beneficial to one of you out there. Enjoy!