Essenza Di Wills :Your Essence, Your Soul

Brand : Essenza Di Wills
Company: ITC
Agency: Law & Kenneth

Brand Count : 159

In the year 2004 there was lot of speculation of ITC entering the FMCG personal care segment competing head on with the gaint HLL. Two years later the debate is still on. But most of us did not realise that in 2005 ITC has forayed into the HLL bastion. Essenza Di Wills is the ITC's take on the Rs 480000 FMCG business.

Essenza Di Wills ( EDW) is positioned in the top end of the premium personal care segment. Retailed exclusively at the Wills Lifestyle stores, this brand personifies a fine balance between Classical and Contemporary. EDW is a classic example of building a premium brand. The promotion was low profile and aimed at projecting the brand as an international one.

According to the EDW website, the brand value relies on Exclusivity and is considered as Intriguing Elegant and Sophisticated.The company has chosen Diana Hayden as the brand ambassador.Priced steeply above Rs 1600, this brand is clearly aimed at the super rich.
Although small in size, the premium personal care products has been growing at a rate of 15%.While the entire market is dominated by famous international brands, Essenza may be trying its luck at the bottom of the Premium pyramid.

EDW was promoted during its launch in Visual media and select magazines. The TVC featured a man and a woman in a glass maze. The details of the campaign and the meaning is given in their website. Frankly I did not understand the ad since I am not in their TG. I can say that the ad was intriguing in line with the brand positioning.

EDW has around 16 products for both sexes. The main product is their perfume branded as Inizio. The perfume is positioned as a brand that is exclusivem innate, stylish,sophisticated and magnetic. All the ranges have uniform fragrance thus giving the EDW customers a harmonised fragrance experience. This is a differentiator since most of the time the Deo , the Spray and the aftershave have different fragrance and what come out will be a horrible mix. EDW gives you a harmonised experience.
The brand has an added advantage of piggy backing on the success of Wills Lifestyle shops. Within five years of launch Wills Lifestyle has emerged as a major brand in the premium lifestyle clothing. With excellent distribution strength and the already built in brand equity EDW certainly going to have lot of trial purchases.

Sustaining those customers will depend on the quality of the product. EDW has taken proper care in making sure that the packaging is in line with premium positioning. As we all know in the product category of perfumes, packaging plays an important role in the success of the brand. There is lot of explanation about the meaning of the color and the style of the packaging in their website ( most of which I didn't understand).

In the marketer's point of view Essenza Di Wills is a case of building a global brand. ITC may have mega plans for making EDW a global brand.

source Essenzawebsite,,businessline