Fear not loyal HutchTech readers, I have not disappeared into blogosphere oblivion. While I know all of us have the same 24 hours a day, I will lay out my excuses (briefly) for not keeping up-to-date, and my plans for the future here.
First, the excuses: I started a new job with a local Sheriff's department as a crime analyst. CSI it's not, though I do have two 23" monitors. While my official duties are not support related, the job is indeed tech-heavy and there are ample opportunities to provide tech support to the detectives and patrol officers around me. The job is challenging, rewarding, and I have an amazing boss and fellow analyst to work with. Needless to say, learning my new role has kept me more than busy.
Now for the future: I have been promising a podcast forever. I still plan on delivering on this promise--just not in the near future. I'll be updating the blog 3-4 times a week, and I do plan on giving it a general facelift (for those who read this at hutchtech.blogspot.com)--not much I can do with the TechRepublic version, though it's not bad to begin with.
Anyway, thanks for your patience. I hope to reward it soon.
- Hutch