UPDATE 2006 Aston Martin Rapide Concept

Is this car truly for real?...
Specifications: Powered by the very same V12 engine as in the DB0, this 358kw, 1850kg, rear wheel driven Aston Martin pushes from stand to 100km in under 5 seconds hitting a top speed of 290kms. Getting up to those speeds is somewhat the same as the DB9 however several gears have been adjusted inorder to suit the longer wheelbase. Imagine hitting speeds of 290km's/hour and not worrying about breaking the champagne glasses in the trunk (ref to photo to right) Not only does it have that, it has a chess board and pieces as well to add to the refinement of the car. This could be reminiscent of the 'original' DB5 that came standard with the Champagne wine cooler as seen in the James Bond film Golden Eye. Being 11.7 inches longer than that of the DB9 there was some design complication with the doors where the front doors still open at the 12degrees like a wing design door. Whereas the rear doors unexpectedly had to be cut deep into the flank below the C-pillar in order to accommodate an opening that would improve access. The interior of the 'cockpit' where the pilot sits, can begin their rapide experience with a simple push of the glass starter buttong. Aston martin have always been about balance of materials and they again surpass the expectations of what is defined as luxury. Even the dashboard which has a driver focused design application, can now also be interactive with the other passengers. Eg. the satalite navigation can be accessed by all passengers via handheld bluetooth devices that allows even those in the rear to add in their destinations.
We all have our responses and may feel obliged to share those in regards to this car. However I would advise that if you think negatively over this car I would say take a long and hard look. The one negative aspect I hold over this and only this, would be the name that has been bestowed apon such luxury, "Rapide" ?????