Counting Heads

A couple days ago, I picked up David Marusek's novel, Counting Heads, based on Cory Doctorow's ecstatic review over on BoingBoing.

Last night I finished it, after a week of franticly reading it in every spare second - unable to stop because on each page it seemed there was a new thumbnail of an idea or invention that would tease me along to the next chapter. Counting Heads has that remarkable quality of great science fiction - totally absorbing the reader in the intracies of complete world.

Just now I went to see what Blog Search would tell me about what others were saying about Counting Heads. And I realized that Dave Marusek has a Blog*Spot blog he started to talk about the release of his book.


(Interestingly, whenever authors start blogs people from both the publishing industry and bloggers themselves are, generally, excited. There's none of the "how do these two media relate to one another" angst that's been the central conversation around blogs and journalism for lo, these many years. Hmmm.)