APPLE: Dance of the Switching Switchers

If you'd like a refreshingly honest look at the fiascos and foibles of iLife in the Mac-world from a real Mac user read on...if you're a Mac zealot/MS-ophobe/FOS (Friend of Steve) please step back from the line in front of you which reads "Real World Beyond This Point."

I really appreciated Russell Beattie's comments about his Mac life and the possibility that he'll become one of the few switched-switchers by going back to a Windows PC. While I'm very anxious to dual boot an Intel PowerBook with OS X and Vista, I share some of the experiences Russell outlines. I'm still hanging in there with my Mac (even though I'm ticked about exchange support--don't even bring up Entourage or Snerdware), and I don't plan on re-switching anytime soon, but it's important that those of you considering a move to the Mac know all the pros and cons--the latter of which are often cleverly glossed over.

- Hutch