APPLE: Security is Job 2...Or Maybe 3

I hate double-standards. I also hate adolescent games. So, since we're talking about technology and geekdom here, I guess I'd better just get over it and deal with reality, huh?

Here's an example of what irks me: Take a look at a recent eWeek headline: Apple Swats Mac OS X Security. Seems harmless enough--unless you actually read the article. Here's a snippet about those seemingly pesky problems with OS X:

Apple shipped a Java security update to plug five flaws that could cause system hijack, security bypass, data manipulation and privilege escalation attacks.
These are NOT minor issues, they are not gnats to be brushed away as a mere nuisance. Why is it that Apple gets such mild headlines for its security woes while MS gets whipped? Oh, that's right Apple is only 2% of the total computer market. Remember, you're talking to a switcher here (I'm now at the 90% Mac-use stage), but that doesn't mean my new found technology loyalty trumps reality. Perhaps that's the problem: Geeks don't get enough love/friendship so they somehow transfer such feelings toward their technology (Lord knows they don't have enough time to become enamored with sports teams). So, nerdlings, it's time to quit being loyal to the tech, and begin being loyal to yourself. I use tech that works for me--I really don't care if it works for anyone else. Besides, as we so often forget, if you get too wrapped up in the tech it's liable to steal your pants.

- Hutch