PUBLISHING: Would You Buy a Book That Doesn't Exist?

No, I'm not talking about pre-publication...or am I? Let me back up a bit...Let's say you've written the great American novel, or perhaps a treatise on the improbability of geeks finding non-digital companionship, and now you want others to read it--maybe even pay for it.

Now you have a chance to not only publish and sell your book, but to do it for free. That's right, friends, there is such a thing as a free lunch at Lulu (I know, try to get past the name--their explanation of it is a bit weak in my book--no pun intended) allows anyone to take their tome and make it available to the world. Once someone purchases the book online, it's printed, bound, and shipped to them. You set the price (and profit margin), binding (everything but hard-bound options are currently available), etc. Lulu makes it clear that they're not the publisher, you are. They simply do the printing, process the charges, and ship your material.

I haven't purchased or published anything on Lulu yet, but who knows maybe it's time for me try my hand at publishing my thoughts--wait a minute, I'm already doing that here.

- Hutch - Self Publishing - Free