Google Offers Free WebSearch Service

Award-Winning Search Service Now Available to Websites of All Sizes

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – January 26, 2000 – Google Inc., one of the fastest growing search destinations on the World Wide Web, today announced Free WebSearch, a new service that provides smaller, entry-level websites with high-performance Google search capabilities.

Adding Google Free WebSearch to a website enables a site’s users to search the Internet using Google’s fast, easy-to-use, and highly accurate search service. Search results are tailored online to incorporate a site’s color scheme and logo. Free WebSearch is easily launched within minutes with no programming or engineering effort required. The customizable new service is offered free of charge.

"Google’s Free WebSearch is designed for anyone who wants to enhance the appeal of their website with the Internet’s leading search service," said Larry Page, Google CEO and co-founder. "With Free WebSearch, users get all the same attributes-ease of use, speed, and relevancy-that have made an award-winning search destination site for finding information on the Internet."

Google Free WebSearch offers the following features:

  • Co-branding: Customer logo can be incorporated in the search results page.
  • Extensive customization: Free WebSearch users can customize all the key aspects of the results page, including the background, link properties, text properties, and many other elements.
  • Preview customizations: Users can preview customizations on the fly with the click of a button before registration.
  • GoogleScout Related Links: A power feature, which returns similar pages to the corresponding link in the results page with a single click.
  • High-quality search service-for free! The search service is free, but Google reserves the right to serve ads on the search result pages.

Information regarding Google Free WebSearch is located on Google’s website, and at Registering for Google Free WebSearch is as simple as filling out an online registration form. An easy-to-use automated form provides tools for determining customization settings, which can be previewed before submitting to Google.

In addition to Free WebSearch, Google also offers two options that feature expanded capabilities. Google Silver WebSearch, designed for small, fast-growing websites, offers the same features as Free WebSearch, as well as the ability to place ads, added customization options, automated HTML output, and monthly reporting. Google Gold WebSearch offers Free and Silver WebSearch features, but is designed for larger sites with heavy traffic. Monthly fees for the Silver and Gold WebSearch packages are $599 and $1,999 respectively. More information regarding the Silver and Gold WebSearch packages is at

About Google Inc.

Google was founded in 1998 by Stanford University Ph.D. candidates Larry Page and Sergey Brin to create a new generation of powerful, scalable search engine products to improve the user experience of searching the web. Based on years of advanced research in computer science, Google is dedicated to providing the best user search experience by delivering a powerful, yet simple-to-use format for finding the most relevant answers to search queries. Google currently offers search solutions through its own destination site at

The company also offers co-branded web search and site search solutions for information content providers. Google, based in Mountain View, Calif., is privately held. More information about Google can be found on the company’s web site at


Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.